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7月30日 週日



表演〉Daniel Maszkowicz X Daniel Ditlevson 實驗聲響之夜 a night of experimental sounds

表演〉Daniel Maszkowicz X Daniel Ditlevson 實驗聲響之夜 a night of experimental sounds
表演〉Daniel Maszkowicz X Daniel Ditlevson 實驗聲響之夜 a night of experimental sounds


2023年7月30日 下午7:30 – 下午9:00

新竹市, 300台湾台灣新竹市興達街1號


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▋時間 ▋ 2023/07/30(日) 19:00入場 / 19:30開演

▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號)

▋入場贊助 ▋ $150-250 自由定價

※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品


▋關於表演者 ▋ ● Daniel Maszkowicz Daniel Maszkowicz(Daniel Siemaszko),研究工程師、電影程式設計師、多領域表演者、作曲家和製作人,居住於瑞士日內瓦。Daniel使用SuperCollider以及曾經在多個實驗室使用過的電子機器來進行創作和演出。作為電聲爵士雙人組INFLUUT和電聲雙人組BIBLIOTEQ MDULAIR的共同創始者,他以KOSMOSCORE的名義進行個人演出,使用各種類型的聲音沉浸來創作多聲道聲音作品。他用他的機器產生柔和與噪音的環境聲響,以實現具有多個雙重聲道效果的腦波沉浸。


-- ● Daniel Ditlevson/戴典瑞 Daniel Ditlevson(戴典瑞),美國聲音/噪音藝術家,目前從事聲音創作,居住於臺灣臺北。他使用磁帶循環、田野錄音、無線電頻率、現成物及各種電子原音的素材來製作聲音拼貼,進行表演和錄音。透過聲音蒙太奇,其藝術作品整合「心靈地圖」的概念,作為情感和體驗交流的渠道--建構某種聲音環境,與聽眾以不可言說、抽象的方式進行溝通。他的目的是研究互聯世界中的訊息、經驗和那些失去連接的混亂本質。正是藉由他對特定時間刻印記憶的物理操縱,重新發現 獨特的聽覺瞬間,再次詮釋並將其發明為新的聲景。

<<< english version >>> ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

▋time ▋ sun, jul 30, 2023 7:00pm door opens / 7:30pm show starts

▋venue ▋ jiang shan yi gai suo no. 1, xingda st., hsinchu city

▋donation for entry ▋ $150-250 self-pricing donation

※ no outside food or drink allowed.


▋about the performers ▋ ● Daniel Maszkowicz Daniel Maszkowicz (Daniel Siemaszko) is a Geneva-based research engineer, film programmer, multidisciplinary performer, composer and producer. Daniel Maszkowicz works with SuperCollider and with electrical machines that were once used in various laboratories. Co-founder of the electroacoustic jazz duo INFLUUT and electroacoustic duo BIBLIOTEQ MDULAIR, his solo project KOSMOSCORE uses various types of sound immersions to create multichannel sound pieces. With his machines he generates soft and noisy ambient sounds, for a brainwave immersion with multiple binaural effects.

Daniel Maszkowicz is also interested in the sonification of scientific data and autonomous sound installations. He has presented his work internationally and has contributed to several original soundtracks and publications. He gives seminars with a view at the crossroads between science and art, involving the engineer and the artist. He has presented several sound installations with algorithmic musical compositions in several galleries.

-- ● Daniel Ditlevson Daniel Ditlevson is an American sound artist that is currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. He creates sound collages utilizing tape loops and manipulations of field recordings, audio feedback, found objects, and various electroacoustic sounds for his performances, recordings, compositions, and sound installations. It is through these sonic montages, his sound art serves as a conduit of communication of emotions and experiences—an unspoken and abstracted communion of a created sonic environment with the listener. His aim is to study the chaotic nature of information, experience, and disconnection in a connected world. It is through his physical manipulation of an imprinted memory of a particular instant in time that he rediscovers, reinterprets, and reinvents that specific aural moment into a new soundscape.


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