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  1. 展覽類型:具當代精神之各類型藝術創作(個展、聯展、策展皆可)

  2. 作品類型:媒材、形式、尺寸不拘(視實際空間而定)

  3. 費用:免費

  4. 申請方式:


        1. 展覽計畫相關圖文說明

        2. 申請者聯絡方式

        3. 欲申請之檔期



  1. 申請者需自行負責佈展、撤展及展場復原工作,並於本所指定時間內完成前述工作。

  2. 本所展覽牆面可釘可漆,唯展覽結束後申請者需負責批土、油漆並復原牆面外觀。

  3. 申請者請自行設計展覽相關文宣,本所將配合協助進行宣傳。

  4. 申請展出的創作者需在展期中安排至少一個週末時段(最少一小時)的免費公開活動,讓觀眾有機會能與創作者近距離互動,活動形式不拘,可以是創作分享會、工作坊或與藝術家面對面(可能是導覽或是接受現場參觀民眾的提問等)等等,也可以採開幕/閉幕茶會等等比較正式的方式辦理。

  5. 為維護展覽品質,本所保留篩選申請者的權力。

  6. 如有未盡事宜,將於洽談時另行告知。


   1. Type of Exhibition: contemporary art in all genres (solo, group or curated)

   2. Type of Work: all medium, forms and sizes depending on area of space

   3. Fee: Free

   4.How to Apply:

     Please email the followings to

     1. Exhibition proposal

     2. Contact info

     3. Dates you would like to apply for.



  1.  Applicants need to be responsible for all the installing and de-installing of the exhibition and restoring the space to its original state in time.

  2. All walls can be drilled and painted; however, applicants are responsible for restoring the walls to the original state.

  3. Applicants need to design their own advertisement. We will help promote it.

  4. To maintain quality of exhibitions, we have the right to select qualified applications.

  5. Any specific request can be communicated and discussed.

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