9月24日 週日
表演〉INNER RESONATION: Jaw Surgery (PH) + Kozma Philo Liu(劉堅白) + 徐嘉駿 Chia-Chun Xu
2023年9月24日 下午7:00 – 下午9:00
新竹市, 300台湾台灣新竹市興達街1號
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▋時間 ▋ 2023/09/24(日) 18:30入場 / 19:00開演
▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號)
▋入場贊助 ▋ $200-300自由定價
※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品
▋關於表演者 ▋ ● Kozma Philo Liu(劉堅白) 迷幻搖滾樂團Dope Purple的主唱/吉他手的Drone Set。模組合成器祝福之音。
-- ● 徐嘉駿 Chia-Chun Xu 1997年生,現居臺北。聲音藝術家、活動策畫、獨立廠牌主理人。2015年開始以「Berserk」之名進行Harsh Noise噪音演出及創作,並受邀至英國、日本、馬來西亞等地巡迴演出,該計畫於2020年初中止。他長年實踐無輸入線路反饋(No-input Mixing Board)技術,並且在該技術上建立出獨樹一格的語彙,現以個人名義演出/創作,並更專注致力於帶領工作坊、場景培養以及活動策畫等。此外,他也是實驗音樂廠牌「Karma Detonation Tapes」的主理人,不定期發行臺灣及世界各地噪音與實驗音樂作品,將在地場景與世界連結。自2019年三月起,他開始策畫每月一次,在臺北各式公共空間、設施(如地下道、天橋、隧道涵洞等)的游擊演出〈Outer Pulsation〉。
Born in 1997, Xu Chia-Chun is a sound artist, event planner and independent label manager. Xu began performing and creating Harsh Noise under the name ‘Berserk’ in 2015 and has been invited to tour in the UK, Japan and Malaysia before the project being suspended in early 2020. He has been practising the use of No-input Mixing Board and developed a distinctive style in this technology. Xu is now a solo performer/creator who is dedicated to conducting workshops and cultivating the experimental music scene. He is also the director of the experimental music label ‘Karma Detonation Tapes’, which regularly releases noise and experimental music works from Taiwan and around the world to promote Taiwanese and worldwide noise and experimental music. In March 2019, he launched a monthly outdoor guerrilla noise gig ‘Outer Pulsation’ in public under/overpasses in Taipei, which provides both experienced and emerging local musicians with a platform to develop improvisational skills and experiment in different spaces.
-- ● Jaw Surgery (PH) Chester Masangya於今年起發展的個人Harsh Noise計畫。
此君的名字在近年儼然成為了菲律賓乃至世界實驗音樂/噪音地下場景中的新指標性人物,身居多個噪音組合背後的主腦,舉凡White Widow、Francesco Terrini、Coalminer、以及噪音/黑金屬單人計畫Fleshcarver,皆由他所策動,並於2019年起超過數十張作品與合集發行於世界各地,合作對象包含長谷川洋(ASTRO、ex. C.C.C.C.)、義大利工業音樂先驅Maurizio Bianchi、虐待護士Torturing Nurse、Many Blessings(Primitive Man主腦Ethan Lee McCarthy的solo計畫)....等等不及備載。
剛結束澳洲巡演的他,將以全新計畫Jaw Surgery抵達台灣為少有純正Harsh Noise演出的場景注入一番新的活泉。
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▋time ▋ sun, sep 24, 2023 6:30pm door opens / 7:00pm show starts
▋venue ▋ jiang shan yi gai suo no. 1, xingda st., hsinchu city
▋donation for entry ▋ $200-300 self-pricing donation
※ no outside food or drink allowed.