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表演〉Werner Puntigam's EAR X EYE arts presentation 原聲即興/錄像放映 + Jorge Bachmann 模組合成器/田野錄音即興

12月01日 週五



表演〉Werner Puntigam's EAR X EYE arts presentation 原聲即興/錄像放映 + Jorge Bachmann 模組合成器/田野錄音即興
表演〉Werner Puntigam's EAR X EYE arts presentation 原聲即興/錄像放映 + Jorge Bachmann 模組合成器/田野錄音即興


2023年12月01日 下午8:00 – 下午10:00

東區, 300台湾新竹市東區興達街1號


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▋時間 ▋ 2023/12/01(五) 19:30入場 / 20:00開演

▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號)

▋入場贊助 ▋ $200-300自由定價

※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品


▋關於表演 ▋ 奧地利音樂家、攝影師和多領域藝術家Werner Puntigam榮獲「2013 年上奧地利邦跨文化對話藝術大獎」,今年將在臺灣進行為期一個月的藝術家駐地活動(11/28至12/31),其中包括現場音樂會、跨領域表演、攝影和錄像拍攝。對於短期的跨文化藝術合作,他對與自由即興音樂家的合作特別感興趣,也包括了電子聲音藝術家與DJ、當代舞者、視覺藝術家和思想開放的被攝者,包括非專業模特兒。更多關於他的藝術活動和計畫的相關訊息,包括影片連結和攝影作品可以在這些網站上找到:


▋關於表演者 ▋ ● Werner Puntigam(奧地利) 自由多領域藝術家,涉及音樂(作曲與即興/長號、海螺、聲景)、視覺藝術(攝影、錄像和平面設計)以及跨領域表演和影音裝置。



-- ● Jorge Bachmann(美國) 舊金山聲音藝術家,他自2000年左右就加入了當地的實驗音樂/舞蹈場景。

Bachmann的作品探索著廣泛的可能性,兼容並蓄,從低限的「具象音樂」聲景作品,一直到類比模組合成器極簡主義作品。他從1980年代初期開始就在試探著日常生活中奇異、獨特而微小的聲響。他收集田野錄音與創作著沉浸式的聲景作品,讓野外聲音環境與人造聲音的界線模糊。Bachmann也為MOBU舞團譜曲,並且與Christine Bonansea舞團及編舞家高沛齡密切合作。他曾在北美、南美、歐洲、日本及臺灣進行表演與展覽。他曾在2009年第十屆舊金山電子音樂節演出自己的影音作品《Coleoptera》。近年來,他與許多藝術家合作演出與即興演奏:Alessandro Cortini、文怡(Gabby Wen)、Bryan Day、Michael Gendreau、Mason Jones、David Graves、Danishta Rivero、Markus Hawkings、松山祐子、Kevin Corcoran、Jaroba以及川口貴大。

他2004-14年曾任聲波藝術節(SoundWave Festival)技術總監、駐節藝術家與策展人,2010-19年任舊金山電子音樂節技術總監與策展人,以及2015-23年任Re:Sound Series策展人。

他最新的個人專輯《Mare Island》由巴爾的摩的「VauxFlores Industrial」廠牌發行。

目前他也是「Faults」、「Collision Stories」、「Jumun」與「audre」等演出組合的一員。

-- ● 張登堯 享受讓二胡發出各種好像快要壞掉的聲響,在舞台上容易進入類似起乩的狀態。江山藝改所主理人(所長)。

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▋time ▋ fri, dec 01, 2023 7:30pm door opens / 8:00pm show starts

▋venue ▋ jiang shan yi gai suo no. 1, xingda st., hsinchu city

▋donation for entry ▋ $200-300 self-pricing donation

※ no outside food or drink allowed.


▋about the performance ▋ The Austrian musician, photographer and multidisciplinary artist WERNER PUNTIGAM, honoured with the 'Upper Austrian Grand Award 2013 for Art in the context of Intercultural Dialogue', will experience his next 1-month artist residency this year in Taiwan (Nov. 28 - Dec. 31) that includes live concerts, interdisciplinary performances, photo & video shoots. For short-termed intercultural artistic collaborations he's especially interested in freely improvising musicians including electronic sound artists & DJs, contemporary dancers, visual artists and open minded photogenic people including non-professional models. Further information about his artistic activities and projects incl. video links and photo works can be found on these websites:


▋about the performers ▋ ● Werner Puntigam (AT) Freelancing multidisciplinary artist in the fields of music (composition & improvisation / trombone, conch shell, soundscapes), visual arts (photography, video & graphic-design) and interdisciplinary performances & audio-visual installations.

Various recordings, video, radio & TV productions. Several prizes and awards for acoustic projects and visual artworks (e.g. Upper Austrian Grand Award 2013 for Art in the context of Intercultural Dialogue). Artistic activities and presentations in half of Europe, in USA, Canada, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Eswatini (former Swaziland), Tanzania, South Africa, Algeria, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, China and Singapore.

Born 1964 in Bad Radkersburg (A), WP is based in Linz (A) but annually also spends several months for temporary artist residencies, e.g. in South-East Africa, East Asia and/or North America. He studied 'visual media design' at the University of Art in Linz (honors degree 1992). During that time he also took part in numerous workshops with international masters of jazz at home and abroad.

-- ● Jorge Bachmann (US) Jorge Bachmann is a San Francisco based Sound Artist. He has been involved in San Francisco's experimental music/dance scene since the early 2000.

Working across a wide range of explorations, Bachmann's work is eclectic, going from subtle "Musique Concrète" Soundscapes to analog modular synth minimalism. Since the early 1980's he has been exploring the strange, unique and microscopic sounds of everyday life. Collecting eld recordings and creating immersive soundscapes. Blurring the boundaries between wilderness sound environments and man-made sounds. Bachmann has composed music for MOBU Dance troupe and is actively collaborating with Christine Bonansea Dance Company and the choreographer Pei Ling Kao. Jorge has performed and exhibited in North America, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and South America. In 2009 he performed his audio-visual piece, "Coleoptera", at the 10th Francisco Electronic Music Festival. In recent years he has performed and improvised with the likes of Alessandro Cortini, Gabby Wen, Bryan Day, Michael Gendreau, Mason Jones, David Graves, Danishta Rivero, Markus Hawkings, Yuko Matsuyama, Kevin Corcoran, Jaroba and Takahiro Kawaguchi.

He was the Technical Director, Resident Artist and Curator for SoundWave Festival (2004-2014), also Technical Director and Curator for San Francisco Electronic Music Festival (2010-2019), and Curator for Re:Sound Series (2015-2023).

His last solo album "Mare Island" is on Ithaca's VauxFlores Industrial label.

At present he is also part of “Faults”, "Collision Stories" "Jumun" and "audre".

-- ● CHANG Deng-Yao Enjoy making erhu to sound like it is going to be broken. Easy to enter a state similar to that of a ghost on stage. The director/owner of Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo.


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