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放映〉2021一天無藝術:持續關照 Day With(out) Art 2021: ENDURING CARE

12月04日 週六



放映〉2021一天無藝術:持續關照 Day With(out) Art 2021: ENDURING CARE
放映〉2021一天無藝術:持續關照 Day With(out) Art 2021: ENDURING CARE


2021年12月04日 下午8:00 – 下午10:00

新竹市, 300台湾新竹市東區興達街1號


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▋時間 ▋ 2021/12/03(五) 19:30入場 / 20:00開始放映

2021/12/04(六) 14:30入場 / 15:00開始放映 19:30入場 / 20:00開始放映

2021/12/05(日) 14:30入場 / 15:00開始放映 18:30入場 / 19:00開始放映


▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號)

▋入場方式 ▋ 「視覺愛滋(Visual AIDS)」很榮幸能免費提供《一天無藝術》活動的節目,期待這些影片能被廣為觀看。我們衷心感謝任何捐款。

※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品

▋主辦單位 ▋ 視覺愛滋 Visual AIDS 「視覺愛滋(Visual AIDS)」是紐約的非營利團體,旨在以藝術對抗愛滋,透過開啟對話、支持HIV+藝術家並延續此一傳統倡議,因為愛滋的危害並未結束。


▋關於放映 ▋ 因為愛滋病尚未消聲匿跡。全球3千8百萬人依然與HIV和愛滋病搏鬥中,之中僅有62%的人能夠取得抗愛滋病毒藥物。在美國,許多人依然無健保可用,而HIV的治療費用又日益飛漲。因為愛滋疫情和區域的特定問題緊緊扣連,例如:貧窮、糧食短缺、居住問題、醫療知識匱乏,所以世界各地的社區受影響的層面和所需的協助大有不同。

2021年的《一天無藝術》(Day With(out) Art)活動推出「持續關照」(Enduring Care)為主題的影像節目,內容著重HIV疫情下的社區照護策略。


<<< English Version >>> ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Day With(out) Art 2021: ENDURING CARE

▋Time ▋ FRI, DEC 03, 2021 7:30PM door opens / 8:00PM screening starts

SAT, DEC 04, 2021 2:30PM door opens / 3:00PM screening starts 7:30PM door opens / 8:00PM screening starts

SUN, DEC 05, 2021 2:30PM door opens / 3:00PM screening starts 6:30PM door opens / 7:00PM screening starts

※There are two rounds of screening in each of the session above. The duration of each round is about 50 minutes.

▋Venue ▋ Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City)

▋Entry ▋ There is no cost to participate!

Visual AIDS is proud to offer Day With(out) Art programming free of charge so that these videos can be seen as widely as possible. We appreciate any donation.

※ No outside food or drinks allowed.

▋Organized By ▋ Visual AIDS Visual AIDS is a New York-based non-profit that utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over.


▋About The Screenings ▋ Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo is proud to partner with Visual AIDS for Day With(out) Art 2021 by presenting ENDURING CARE, a video program highlighting strategies of community care within the ongoing HIV epidemic. The program features newly commissioned work by Katherine Cheairs, Cristóbal Guerra, Danny Kilbride, Abdul-Aliy A. Muhammad and Uriah Bussey, Beto Pérez, Steed Taylor, and J Triangular and the Women’s Video Support Project.

From histories of harm reduction and prison activism to the long-term effects of HIV medication, ENDURING CARE centers stories of collective care, mutual aid, and solidarity while pointing to the negligence of governments and non-profits. The program’s title suggests a dual meaning, honoring the perseverance and commitment of care workers yet also addressing the potential for harm from medications and healthcare providers. ENDURING CARE disrupts the assumption that an epidemic can be solved with pharmaceuticals alone, recasting community work as a lasting form of medicine.


活動資訊: Events
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