放映〉場所即通道 places as passages:FRANKI WALS《要是我有翅膀就好了 if only i had wings》短片放映 short film screening+talk
6月16日 週日

2024年6月16日 下午7:30 – 下午9:00
東區, 300台湾新竹市東區興達街1號
▋時間 ▋ 2024/06/16(日)19:00入場 / 19:30開演 ▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) ▋入場費 ▋ $200-300自由定價 ※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ▋關於放映 ▋ Franki Wals(1989年生於西班牙哥多華)是一位跨領域藝術家,其創作涵蓋聲音、錄像、文字和其他表達方式。他的作品主要關注經驗、感知、環境以及它們之間縱橫交錯的無數線條,並運用專注聆聽、田野錄音和即興等策略來對它們進行探索。 本次活動,他將帶來他的最新作品—短片《要是我有翅膀就好了(if only i had wings)》。這支影片拍攝於他的家鄉哥多華(西班牙南部),探索了對熟悉景觀的感知,以及我們穿梭於這些景觀的方式如何隨著時間而發生變化。放映結束後,他將深入探討景觀的概念,並討論他的另一個創作計畫《失與存(lost & found)》,這是一個長期駐地計畫,透過大地藝術、攝影和田野錄音等不同方式深入探索土耳其博盧地區周圍的地域。 <<< english version >>> ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ places as passages: FRANKI WALS "if only i had wings" short film screening + talk ▋time ▋ sun, jun 16, 2024 7pm door opens / 7:30pm show starts ▋venue ▋ jiang shan yi gai suo no. 1, xingda st., hsinchu city ▋entry ▋ $200-300 pay as you wish ※ no outside food or drink allowed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ▋about the performance ▋ Franki Wals (b. 1989, Córdoba, Spain) is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses sound, video, text and other means of expression. Some of the main concerns approached through his work include experience, perception, environment and the myriad lines that crisscross between them, employing strategies such as disciplined listening, field recordings and improvisation to engage with them. On this occasion, he will be showcasing his latest work, the short film ‘if only i had wings’. Shot in his hometown of Córdoba (southern Spain), this piece explores how the perception of familiar landscapes and the way we traverse them transforms over time. Following the screening, he will delve deeper into the notion of landscape and also discuss his project ‘lost & found’, a long-term residency that engaged with the territory surrounding the Turkish locality of Bolu through different means (Land Art, photography and field recordings).