放映〉你哥影視社|短片選放映01 Your Bros. Filmmaking Group Short Films Screening Program
11月19日 週六

2022年11月19日 下午6:30
新竹市, 300台湾新竹市東區興達街1號
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▋時間 ▋ 2022/11/19(日) 18:30開始放映
▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號)
▋入場 ▋ $250(含一張電影海報、瓶裝飲料折抵50元) 報名表單:https://forms.gle/s3vfmEdvg9RQ6GjG8
✦ 放映總長度約66分鐘 ✦ 映後「閒聊」
※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品
▋關於放映 ▋ 你哥影視社是由廖修慧、田倧源、蘇育賢組成的笨蛋電影製作團隊。在台南創作四 、五年了,過程中也有些累積了,過去甚少放映,或不知道如何公開的作品。本次 精選的三部放映,皆為你哥影視社與在台灣的移工共同工作、拍攝的短片成果,其 中兩部是關於新聞事件的重新演繹,另外一部為今年拍攝的全新作,敬請邀約各位 前往觀賞。入場即贈電影海報,映後有閒談。
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Your Bros. Filmmaking Group Short Films Screening Program Vol.01
▋TIME ▋ NOV 19, 2022; 6:30PM Start Screening
▋VENUE ▋ Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City)
▋ENTRANCE ▋ $250 (including a film poster + $50 off for bottled drinks) Booking Form: https://forms.gle/s3vfmEdvg9RQ6GjG8
✦ Total screening duration: 66mins ✦ Chatting session after screening
※ No outside food or drink allowed.
▋ABOUT THE SCREENING ▋ Your Bros. Filmmaking Group (Liao Hsiu Hui, Tien Zong Yuan, and So Yo Hen) they make some films that nobody knows, and they also have no idea to do. This is the rare opportunity to watch 3 short films they made during 4-5 years recently.
Three of the films are all cooperated with migrant workers in Taiwan. Speak no more, come and see.